Friday, April 4, 2014

The 5 Levels of Human Dsyfunction

Apologies about not being consistent lately. Have you ever had those times in life when you can barely get out of bed? Recently I was hit by a 2X4 from a family member that had me spinning into the darkness I have fought since childhood.The betrayal inspired me to develop the 5 Levels of Human Dysfunction. I was inspired by Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Level 1: Issues. We all have them in our lives.

Level 2: Wounded. Some of us have experiences that really smart, but eventually heal.

Level 3: Damaged: Because of some event, usually childhood or something like a messy divorce, a person feels like damaged goods.

Level 4: Tortured. Bless their hearts. They are in a constant state of turmoil, self-doubt and self-condemnation usually due to childhood programming.

Level 5: Sociopaths. Bless our hearts. They have no conscience. Blow them a kiss and run.

I use to be tortured many moons ago. By faith and better choices, I moved to having issues, with an occasional wounded. Having to model what I speak and write helped the transition -- God has a sense of humor.

This recent event had me tortured once again. Family hurts/betrayals are probably the worse.

I decided as an motivational speaker and empowering coach, tortured not good. So by grace and better choices, just wounded now.

My point, we always have a choice. Your choices define you, not others.

For more information on the levels, please visit, then click energizers, then newsletters.

Do you agree with the 5 levels? Any observations?

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