you know?
I know I posted recently on this, just seems fear
is running wild. Information is power. You have the power!
We are born with only two fears.
In the Evolving
Self class at Harvard, a professor indicated there were several research
studies concluding that human infants are born with only two fears:
All other fears are man-made and self-imposed. For
me, that meant that my fear of failure, my fear of rejection, my fear of
success, my fear of being unlovable, my fear of abandonment and countless other
fears were made-up. It was time to delve into the fears, the conscious and
unconscious beliefs and the causation.
What man-made fears are holding you hostage? Are the fears and obstacles
real or a figment of your imagination based on your history?
What fears are holding your organization back from being innovative and
soaring past the competition? If real, what is the game plan to turn fear into
a force for good?
Realize any
fear you are willing to meet head on loses its hold – promise!
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