Let those who are special to you know it! Feel it! Lavish them with
appreciation and love!
Life is speeding by. I can get wrapped up in demands, expectations and
doing and forget what is truly important - moments of joy, of love, of
Recently I almost lost a valued friendship with my doing and
perfectionism - standards. I had forgotten to express my sincere appreciation
for all he had done. I’ve been at the receiving end of such treatment, and did
not like it. And in fact, have walked away from such treatment and the
relationship. Thank goodness he did not and the lesson learned.
It was a 2X4 whack on the head for insight 7. I’ve become much more
cognizant of saying the words "thank you", "you matter" and showing
appreciation in other ways to everyone who is special. I am even more aware of
scratching behind the ears of my rescue puppy.
And guess what, I am happier now!
Who do you need to lavish with appreciation and thanks?
Go for it! Live happier!
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